Thursday, October 13, 2016

A Tale of Two Days

Yesterday, I was ready to post about how well KK has been doing. In the last week, I have had multiple people comment about how great she looks. Her energy has been up, she has been more engaged, and she just looks good. However, at the end of the day I was spent and didn't have the energy to write a blog post.

Then she woke up today.

I heard her in the bathroom early this morning and I knew something was wrong. When I got there, she had the bucket in front of her and started gagging like she was going to throw up. I asked her if she was okay. She slowly uttered something and all I understood was "arm". Her right arm just flopped by her side. She finally threw up (swelling throw up) an hour later. I hoped that this would relieve some pressure as it has in the past, but it did not. She has continued to exhibit symptoms of swelling as the day has progressed -- right arm weakness, slow speech, neck pain, her tongue is not straight when she sticks it out, hardly eating, and sleeping most of the day.

I believe this is due to cancer cells swelling because the vitamin C is doing its job. However, it is hard to hear KK say "I don't like this" as she fights back tears. I would really appreciate it if everyone would plead with God for apoptosis tonight.

The next MRI is in 20 days.


Terri said...

Continuing to pray!!!!!

Mindy said...

Praying for you both!

Judy Bleau said...

Praying with you 💜

Unknown said...

Praying for peace and healing

Heidi Peterson said...

Praying every day

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

My floor and brother floor have been praying! -Bethany F