I just want to document how things went from a health perspective last week (week 2 of the 28-day cycles).
As mentioned
here, KK handled the five days of chemo pretty well....a little more fatigue and a few more headaches by the end. With each dose of Temozolomide at bedtime, I gave her an 8mg dose of Zofran then a 4mg dose of Zofran 8 hours later (around 4:30am). She finished taking the five doses of Temozolomide on Saturday, August 15 and the last 4mg dose of Zofran on Sunday morning.
On Monday, KK had her second oncology massage which she loves. Her massage therapist, Mieka, is wonderful. After the massage, we headed up to Sunapee, NH. KK did pretty well all day. After talking to Nannie on the phone that evening, she casually went to the bathroom and threw up. She didn't look or sound "off" beforehand, so it took me completely by surprise. She said she felt fine afterwards.
On Tuesday morning, we went to a quaint little museum in Warner, NH. When we got to the museum, KK looked "off" so I asked her what her numbers were. She confirmed that she had a headache, so I gave her a Tylenol. By the time we left, she said her pain level was coming down, so we went to a nearby restaurant for lunch. Just after we sat down, KK got up and walked to the bathroom. When she got back, she simply stated, "I threw up in the bathroom." She seemed better afterwards.
Around lunchtime on Wednesday, KK had another headache and felt nauseous. I gave her a Tylenol for the headache, but I forgot the Zofran at "home" (you would think I would have it with me 24/7 after the last two days, but no). Thankfully, she never threw up and the headache subsided after about an hour.
I have no idea if these episodes were lingering side-effects of the Temozolomide or not. I emailed a Glioblastoma group to see if what KK was experiencing was "typical", but most of the responses were along the lines of "everyone is different". So, I hope that documenting these things will help me understand what is typical for KK during each 28-day cycle. I also hope that this will help other families that are traveling this road when they wonder what they might expect.